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The objective of the Inception Phase is to assess current levels and perspectives related to participation and safety as well as  identify barriers and opportunities to increase women and girls’ participation in decision-making in order to improve their sense  of safety, which is done through conducting a baseline assessment. The tools presented here should be modified as appropriate  to fit the specific context and camp settings, in order to enable an assessment of how displaced boys, men, women, and at-risk  groups including adolescent girls, and women and girls with disabilities, participate in camp life and camp decision-making  processes. These tools can be used with selected, relevant stakeholders and community members including – but not limited to –  female and male camp leaders (block, sector, or similar), women’s associations, youth leaders, female and male community  members, adolescent boys and girls, disability associations, governmental and non-governmental actors, and protection and  gender-based violence actors. Instructions on how to select and split up groups, and to identify key informants can be found in  the tools themselves

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